The Best Bike Day Ever
I’ve had a ton of great days on a bike. I remember most of the very clearly; The day I learned to ride my first bike in Skokie, the Christmas I got my Rampar R-10, riding the PK Ripper, racing the Hutch at Itasca, racing Nate around Rockford, Bike trips up to Door County, The Aids Ride to Chicago, even recent activites like learning to ride hard with DA, Wah, Mikey P, Dyles and B2B… I’ve been blessed.
But NOTHING beats last night’s ride with Clay.
Clay just learned to ride his bike and we’ve been hitting the streets pretty hard. Actually, he prefers the alleys, so we’ve been hitting those harder.
Ain’t nothing better on a bike.
Check out him above; pulling his newest trick: no feet.