Saturday the family headed to the Wisconsin country side to visit Jim’s land and celebrate his birthday. It was a warm day with plenty to do. From climbing on the tree stand to fishing for dinner at EatMyFish. All were happily exhausted.
We were proud to be swedish for the mid-summer celebration. Despite all the tents,activities and linginberries, the day was missing a tall swede. It needed someone 6'6",blond. It needed Josh.
This past Sunday, we celebrated Erika and Jason's wedding. Jo was a flower girl and did an amazing job. Kathy was the maid of honor and she did a great job as well.
Clay and I just enjoy the beautiful sunny day looking good in our dress clothes.
Kathy ran (jogged) the Get in Gear 10K on Saturday morning. Three cheer’s for her. Extra points for her for running nice and slow so that her half-sister’s-half-brother could finish strong.